“Naming and shaming does not work on Russia’s leaders because they don’t feel shame,” Sven Sakkov, Director of the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), told Finnish daily Turun Sanomat after debunking three myths about cyber security at the Salo Cyber Talks event on 29 January.
The attribution of cyber-attacks is reality, and the same rules and laws apply to cyberspace as for the physical world, explained Sakkov, referring to the hack against the US Democratic National Committee in which Russian hackers were implicated. “It is usually the intelligence agencies that investigate cyber-attacks. In order to avoid exposing their operations, governments do not make evidence public. But they could share it with the Allies,” said Sakkov.
Continue reading (in Finnish) at Turun Sanomat: https://www.ts.fi/uutiset/maailma/4463593/Naton+exkyberpomo+Kyberhyokkaysten+tekijat+on+helppo+jaljittaa++Venajan+Lavrov+on+taysin+hapeilematon