June 8, 2023

We Stand With Ukraine

Demonstrators with Ukrainian and Estonian national flags gather for a rally in support of Ukraine, in Tallinn, Estonia, Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022.
Demonstrators with Ukrainian and Estonian national flags gather for a rally in support of Ukraine, in Tallinn, Estonia, Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022.

Today, Ukraine is defending Europe. We will stand with Ukraine until the Kremlin is stopped and held to account.

Russia’s War in Ukraine has lasted over a year and has fundamentally changed the security environment in our region, Europe and the whole world. ICDS will continue to help to understand the events, make sense of developments, and reflect on what might and should happen next.

Recent ICDS publications and articles on Russia’s war in Ukraine:

Is There Life in the Desert? Russian Civil Society After the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine by Igor Gretskiy

The EU’s Magnitsky Act Obsolete in the Face of Russia’s Crimes in Ukraine? by Steven Blockmans

War and Energy Security: Lessons for The Future by Tomas Jermalavičius, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Andrian Prokip, Christian Egenhofer, Edoardo Righetti, Arūnas Molis, Priit Mändmaa, Tony Lawrence and Oleksandr Sukhodolia

How Russia Went to War: The Kremlin’s Preparations for Its Aggression Against Ukraine by Kalev Stoicescu, Mykola Nazarov, Keir Giles and Matthew D. Johnson

How Russia Brings Its Aggression Against Ukraine to The Global South by Ivan U. K. Klyszcz

The Stolen Children: How Russia Attempts to Kidnap Ukraine’s Future by Tetiana Fedosiuk

A Year Into Russia’s Full-Scale Aggression Against Ukraine – Some Relevant Takeaways by Kalev Stoicescu

Let Us Not Deceive Ourselves: Western Unity Is Fragile by Kristi Raik

Why Russia Went to War: A Three-Dimensional Perspective by James Sherr OBE and Igor Gretskiy

Building European Security Against Russia – A View From Estonia by Kristi Raik and Martin Hurt:

In our Foreign Policy magazine Diplomaatia (in Estonian):

Andrei Soldatov ja Irina Borogan: Kuidas on sõda mõjutanud Venemaa julgeolekuteenistusi?

Olga Oliker: Venemaa uurimine muutunud oludes

Hans Kundnani: Sõda Ukrainas, demokraatia ja maailma lõunapoolsed riigid – meil on probleem

Hanna Šelest: Panus Euroopa julgeolekusse on ainus eeltingimus kuulumiseks NATO-sse

Fiona Hill: Ukraina uues maailmakorratuses – ülejäänud riigid Ühendriikidele vastu hakkamas

Ramon Loik: Teine rinne – ELi ja Ukraina koostöö sisejulgeoleku vallas

Aleksei Levinson: Venemaa, nagu see meile paistab

James Sherr: Tants torude ümber – Nord Streami plahvatused

Anton Šehhovtsov ja Heidi Maiberg: Kas abikäsi “Azovi natsidele”?

Pavel Baev: Kurnatud sõjaväed võivad äkitselt kokku kukkuda

Jonatan Vseviov: Sõnad loevad, teod loevad rohkem, aga kõige rohkem loevad tulemused

Emine Džaparova: Ajaloo õppetunnid ja Ukraina tuleviku määratlemine

Indrek Kannik: Neli punkti Euroopa julgeoleku kindlustamiseks

Kristi Raik: Lääne habras ühtsus

Vassilis Nedos: Millal sõjatuuled enam Vahemerel laineid üles ei piitsuta?

Follow our social media and this website for our reactions and commentary, and for our publications. Our experts will help you to understand the war’s evolution, to make sense of particular developments, and to appreciate the implications for national, regional, European, transatlantic, and global security. They will also work hard to make recommendations for what can be done to help Ukraine now and after the war, and how to defeat Russia.

Indrek Kannikdirector of the ICDS
Areas of expertise: NATO, transatlantic relations, US relations, European defence, Russia and Eastern Partnership
Languages: English, Estonian

Tomas Jermalavičiushead of studies
Areas of expertise: defence strategy and planning; regional defence cooperation; disruptive technologies, defence industry and innovation; societal resilience; energy security
Languages: Lithuanian, English, Russian

Igor Gretskiyresearch fellow
Areas of expertise: Russia; Russia’s foreign policy towards Ukraine and Poland; political transformation in central and eastern Europe
Languages: Russian, English, Polish, Ukrainian

Kristi Raik, deputy director / Head of Foreign Policy Programme
Areas of expertise: Estonia’s foreign, security and EU policy; Europe in the changing global order; EU foreign and security policy; EU-Russia relations; Eastern Partnership; Finland’s foreign and security policy
Languages: English, Finnish, Estonian

James Sherr OBEsenior research fellow
Areas of expertise: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and European security
Languages: English, Russian, French

Sanshiro Hosaka, research fellow
Areas of expertise: Soviet/Russian propaganda and covert actions; Western academia and agents of influence; Soviet/Russian intelligence; historical memory of Ukrainians
Languages: Japanese, English, Russian

Ivan U. K. Klyszcz, research fellow
Areas of expertise: Russian foreign policy, Russian domestic politics, North Caucasus, Chechnya
Languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish

View all experts

Media requests: media[at]icds.ee

ICDS has worked to support Ukraine’s security and democratic transformation for many years. We are proud and honoured to have made many friends in this great country, and to have helped them build and strengthen their nation through the Resilient Ukraine programme.

Ukraine needs our help to defend itself. You can donate, volunteer for NGOs, or host war refugees.

In Estonia: click here to see all possibilities to donate, support financially, provide other necessary assistance or volunteer in Estonia.

You can also donate directly to:


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The ICDS team