On 12-13 March, ICDS Research Fellow Piret Pernik spoke in a panel at the public seminar entitled „Facing Putin’s New Presidential Term“ in Madrid.
Piret Pernik talked about the Russian use of cyber and information operations to enable and support political influence operations against the liberal democracies. She gave examples on how information space, including traditional and social media, has been used in Estonia and Finland to undermine democracy, and she recommended the ways and means to counter these hostile activities, and increase deterrence and resilience.
Among other speakers were Andrei Soldatov, Journalist and Editor at Agentura.ru; Arkady Moshes, Programme Director at Finnish Institute of International Affairs; Stephen Dalziel, Senior Fellow at The Institute for Statecraft; Glen Howard, President of the Jamestown Foundation; Anton Barbashin, Managing Editor of Intersection. Piret Pernik participated also at an expert closed-door discussion on hybrid threats and information warfare.
The seminar and expert discussion were organised by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Hybrid CoE, the Jamestown Foundation, and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.