September 19, 2019

Teperik at the Aspen Forum in Kyiv: infotainment can be maliciously exploited

ICDS Chief Executive Dmitri Teperik participated in the panel discussion “Digital Media” held during the Aspen Good Governance Forum on 11 September 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Discussing new emerging threats in the propaganda and disinformation space, Dmitri Teperik accented entertainment, gamification and dark ads as the key areas exploited by behaviour communication.

“Virtual environment, including social media is a dimension where intensive micro-targeting based psychometrics operations are happening. This is how persuasive communications work nowadays and how immersive and addictive technologies are being monetised”, noted Teperik in his speech.

He also highlighted that lack of full transparency is a real challenge not just for policy-makers and experts  but foremost for many citizens globally who consume social media daily and trust news received from it.

“Attracted by hypervisibility and sensationality, vast majority of social media users forms inevitably their epistemic chambers that might lead to extreme polarization and therefore amplify existing conflicts. Infotainment and gamified information drive and boost intrusive thoughts, obsessions and compulsion that might be exploited by malicious actors for manipulations”, stressed Dmitri Teperik.

The Aspen forum in Kyiv addressed the topic of democratic governance and solution to common problems related to penetration of digital technologies.