New Frontiers: Estonia’s Foreign Policy in Africa
Estonia’s renewed foreign policy engagement in Africa holds a historical foundation proving that the country’s approach to diplomacy is a gradual development and a work in progress.
Read moreEstonia’s renewed foreign policy engagement in Africa holds a historical foundation proving that the country’s approach to diplomacy is a gradual development and a work in progress.
Read moreThe countries of the Middle East and North Africa are often viewed by Europeans primarily through the lens of security, but in order to address security problems, it is necessary to focus on the economic and social development of these countries. The EU seeks to promote cooperation and spread democratic values through the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), which was established in 2004. Although the negative developments in the region reflect the ineffectiveness of the ENP, its goals continue to be important. For Estonia, the ENP is a significant framework that creates solidarity among the priorities of different member states and lays down common goals.
Read moreIn 2021, Estonia and Norway serve as elected members on the UN Security Council. What can elected Council members hope to achieve in a setting marked by great power tensions and ineffective working procedures?
Read moreIn 2021, Estonia and Norway served as elected members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Both being relatively small states, defending multilateral cooperation and rules-based international order were important common goals.
Read moreVilnius has become the foreign policy centre of three Baltic states and this is a win for Tallinn too. The three states are growing out of their self-centric foreign policies.
Read moreSpring 2020 posed a test to the regional cooperation of the Nordic-Baltic region.
Read moreThe coalition agreement of the new Estonian government formed by the Reform Party and the Centre Party contains few surprises when comparing the foreign-, security- and defence-policy-related commitments with the agreements of the previous coalitions that formed the governments in 2016–19 and 2019–21.
Read moreCoincidence or not, the Estonian government collapsed on 13 January, soon after the presidency of Donald Trump in the US made its violent turn towards an ugly end. During the past year and eight months, Estonia experimented with a coalition including radical right-wing populists. The experiment damaged Estonia’s international reputation and its relations with allies, put pressure on its democratic institutions, and increased polarisation within society.
Read moreEstonia must find a balance between the US and Europe.
Read moreEurope and the US have a number of common concerns caused by the rise of China that could help to repair transatlantic relations. Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries should invest in strengthening the EU’s unity and transatlantic cooperation vis-à-vis China rather than the 17+1 format.
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