On 25 September, the ICDS report “Russia’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities to 2025: Challenging NATO in Electromagnetic Spectrum” was presented at the international symposium taking place at the Aviation College in Tartu, Estonia.
The symposium was organised by Tangent Link in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Defence and Estonian Defence Industry Association as part of the Electronic Warfare & Military Cyber Live 2017—an event dedicated to bringing together defence industry and end-users of electronic warfare (EW) and cyber defence solutions. The report’s author, ICDS Non-Resident Research Fellow Roger McDermott, addressed the audience of 150 participants from more than 25 nations and highlighted both Russia’s interest and progress in developing its electronic warfare capabilities and the threat that this poses to defence of NATO’s Eastern Flank, especially the Baltic states. The ensuing discussions highlighted a wide-spread concern of the electronic warfare community as well as senior policymakers that the lack of the Alliance’s attention to this domain of warfare in its planning, strategies, investments, doctrine and training led to significant deterioration of NATO’s EW capability, if not yet technological edge, in comparison to Russia.
Read the full report here: Russia’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities to 2025: Challenging NATO in Electromagnetic Spectrum