June 10, 2019

Dmitri Teperik at Expert Roundtable in Bucharest: We Must Raise the Cost of Malicious Manipulation with Information

ICDS Chief Executive Dmitri Teperik gave a kick-off speech on information manipulations in the hybrid conundrum.

In his remarks, he proposed to discuss among EU and NATO allies an idea to establish a clear threshold for external information aggression. “Our collective underreaction to hostile disinformation harms our free societies as it also encourages adversaries to continue their ill-intended manipulations”, noted Dmitri Teperik. According to him, a special attention should be paid on youth. “Young generation holds the power to provoke strategically important cognitive shift of attitudes and positive behaviour changes within the societies of the EU member states”, stated Teperik.

The international expert round-table was organised by the Global Focus Center (Romania) in co-operation with the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). The event was part of the agenda of Romania’s 2019 EU Council Presidency.