Since 9/11, millions of people in America and in Europe have asked: Why do Muslims, especially those who have exposure to the West, hate us? Why do we offend them so much? Even though millions of Muslims live in predominately Christian Europe, North America and South America, why have, it seems, so many turned away from the West in recent years and all that it has to offer: its education systems, its freedoms, its opportunities, its wealth?
Since 9/11, millions of people in America and in Europe have asked: Why do Muslims, especially those who have exposure to the West, hate us? Why do we offend them so much? Even though millions of Muslims live in predominately Christian Europe, North America and South America, why have, it seems, so many turned away from the West in recent years and all that it has to offer: its education systems, its freedoms, its opportunities, its wealth?
Filed under: CommentaryTagged with: Nr 18/19 • Märts/aprill 2005