March 4, 2016

The European Union Global Strategy: How Best to Adapt to New Challenges?

The writing of the new European Union Global Strategy comes at a difficult time. The world has become more and more volatile and there are crises on Europe’s eastern, southeastern and southern flanks. Although the conflicts in the south and the east are very different in nature, they both highlight the need for the EU to strengthen its foreign and security policy to better respond to a hybrid blend of challenges, which involve military and non-military, conventional and unconventional methods and tactics. The Global Strategy has the difficult task of setting the EU’s interests and objectives in respect of global security as well as the means to achieve them in the medium and long term.

The policy paper outlines our areas of concern and highlights the policy recommendations we hope to see in the new European Union Global Strategy.

Download: The European Union Global Strategy: How Best to Adapt to New Challenges? (PDF)