Ukraine Civil Society and Security

Discussion on the Role of Media and Journalists in Strengthening National Resilience

On 25 May, International Centre for Defence and Security and NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence organised jointly an international discussion with experts and journalists which addressed the issue of (a new) media and its audiences under actual hybrid threats. Over the past 5-6 years, we have been observing a global shift of traditional media into the digital sphere alongside the many challenges associated with that. This new environment creates unprecedented flows of information accelerated by growing usage of social media. Intensive commercialisation and globalisation make it hard for responsible media sources to remain non-partisan, independent and competitive on the market. At the same time, Russia has started to use manipulatively government-aligned media channels as a tool to achieve its aggressive goals of foreign policy.

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ICDS Conducted a Two-Day Conference in Eastern Ukraine

International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), in cooperation with Anti-Crisis Media Centre (Ukraine), has successfully conducted a two-day international conference called “Civil sector and state: how to achieve success in national resilience through cooperation”. The conference was held on 11-12 April 2017 in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, an industrial city with population over 200 000 people, currently the centre of Donetsk oblast, which was occupied by pro-Russian separatists from the so-called “DNR” in 2014.

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