Ukraine Civil Society and Security

ICDS “Resilient Ukraine” To Support Local and Regional Authorities in Fixing Communications Vulnerabilities in South-East Ukraine

The ICDS has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Mykolaiv City Council and Kherson Regional State Administration in south-eastern Ukraine to conduct jointly a comprehensive study aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in information, communications and cybersecurity. The study will be managed within the framework of the “Resilient Ukraine” programme supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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International Autumn Seminar Resilience League in Kyiv

International autumn seminar Resilience League, entitled “National resilience: communication and security” and held in Kyiv on 28-30 October 2018, gathered around 30 young professionals and experts from Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus as well as speakers and trainers from the Baltic states, Georgia, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

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Seminar on national resilience in Kyiv and report presentation “Resilient Ukraine”

In the framework of a large-scale development cooperation project, focused on introducing Estonian experience to representatives of security sector in eastern Ukraine, ICDS-led team conducted a comprehensive research aimed at delivering realistic policy recommendations on acknowledging civil society’s role in strengthening national resilience and security in Ukraine and enhancing co-operation between the state authorities and civil society in this field.

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Societal Resilience in Eastern Ukraine: Building Solid Foundations for a Nation

The long-awaited and much-debated official adoption of the so-called Donbas De-Occupation Law by Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada provoked a heated discussion in Ukrainian society over the last three months on whether this legal act is merely a symbolic (if communicatively important) gesture to label Russia as a state aggressor, or whether it reflects a serious intention to create a strong foundation for the region’s re-integration.

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