On August 12, 2016 International Centre for Defence and Security contributed a series of discussions held in Paide at the traditional Opinion Festival / Arvamusfestival.
The panel “Fog of lies around the unjust war against Ukraine“ gathered leading experts from Ukraine on the subject of hybrid war. The panelists and the audience raised a number of emerging issues surrounding Ukraine: how is it possible in practice to minimize the negative impact of hostile information attacks on society of Ukraine? What Eastern Europe should learn from the Ukrainian Anti-hybrid war? What is the most likely course of events in the east of Ukraine is possible to predict in the current situation? Can Estonia contribute to the process of strengthening national security of Ukraine? The panel of distinguished experts joined Evheniy Magda (Ukraine) – Associate Professor, historian, political expert, the author of “The hybrid warfare: to survive and win”; Alexiy Kornilov (Ukraine) – a lawyer, an expert on election law, a member of a number of the OSCE, USAID, UCAN, DFID and others projects; Dmitry Gromakov (Ukraine) – a sociologist, an expert in the field of communication and social technologies, the head of research projects of social engineering center “Detection and analysis of non-system actions”; Anna Bulakh (Estonia / Ukraine) – Research Fellow at the International Centre for Defence and Security, manager of the project “Civil Society and volunteers in strengthening national resilience and security of Ukraine”. The discussion was moderated by Dmitri Teperik, a board member of the International Centre for Defence and Security.
The panel “ Is it a war or not” focused on general security in Europe, solidarity in NATO and Estonia’s perspective on national defense. The discussion focused on the security situation and the changes to the nature of their impact on Estonia and its society. Panelists discussed the value-based security policy crisis in the world, and how should Estonia develop its national security policy. The panel was joined by the ICDS Director Jüri Luik, Marko Mihkelson – Chairman of the Defence Committee of the Riigikogu; Kyllike Sillaste-Elling – Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs; Riho Terras – Chief of Defence. The panel was moderated by Elina Seppet – Ministry of Defence, Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association.
In Media:
Säutsu-põhised uudised mõjutavad poliitikat liiga palju (in Estonian)
Украинский политолог: Савченко поет под российскую дудку, а Европе помогут покемоны (in Russian)
Videos on Youtube:
Kas sõda tuleb või mitte? (in Estonian)
Туман лжи вокруг несправедливой войны против Украины (in Russian)