When five years ago Estonia as well as its two Baltic neighbours, Latvia and Lithuania, joined NATO, it märked the fulfilment of one of the greatest strategic ambitions of our small countries. And it opened a new era, in which our security is firmly embed-ded in Western collective security and defence framework. Today, when we celebrate the60th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty and 5th anniversary of our membership in the Alliance, it is a good time to pay a proper tribute to the so-called BALT-projects, which greatly assisted us in our integration effort.
05.02.2010, Tomas Jermalavicius
When five years ago Estonia as well as its two Baltic neighbours, Latvia and Lithuania, joined NATO, it märked the fulfilment of one of the greatest strategic ambitions of our small countries. And it opened a new era, in which our security is firmly embed-ded in Western collective security and defence framework. Today, when we celebrate the60th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty and 5th anniversary of our membership in the Alliance, it is a good time to pay a proper tribute to the so-called BALT-projects, which greatly assisted us in our integration effort.
Download: Baltic Military Cooperation – Estonian Foreign Policy Yearbook (PDF)