June 16, 2019

Anthony Lawrence to DefenseNews: The Air-Policing Mission Demonstrates NATO’s Solidarity with its Baltic Allies

“On a day-to-day basis, NATO air policing can react to airspace intrusions or violations of flight rules that Estonia would be unable to deal with alone — this is important for preserving territorial integrity,” Tony Lawrence, a research fellow at the Tallinn-based International Centre for Defence Security think tank, told Defense News.

“But more widely, the presence of the air-policing mission … is a significant demonstration of NATO’s solidarity with its Baltic allies and its resolve to take Baltic security seriously. This is an important contribution to deterrence in the region,” Lawrence noted.

Read the full article at https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2019/06/16/without-a-nato-wide-effort-the-skies-along-the-northeastern-flank-could-be-in-peril/