Information Warfare

ICDS “Resilient Ukraine” To Support Local and Regional Authorities in Fixing Communications Vulnerabilities in South-East Ukraine

The ICDS has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Mykolaiv City Council and Kherson Regional State Administration in south-eastern Ukraine to conduct jointly a comprehensive study aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in information, communications and cybersecurity. The study will be managed within the framework of the “Resilient Ukraine” programme supported by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Teperik at the Europe-Ukraine Forum 2019: We Should Admit That Debunking Fake News Doesn’t Work

“Since disinformation is very systematic by nature, our response must also be systematic, not sporadic or project-based. We should admit that debunking fake news does not work,” stressed Dmitri Teperik, Chief Executive of the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), at the Europe-Ukraine Forum 2019 “Ukraine After 2019: A Change or a Continuation?” in Rzeszow, Poland on 24–25 January.

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Who Benefits from Our Communications Illiteracy?

It is becoming harder to ignore the fact that many Western experts and a certain interested section of the public are spending disproportionate amounts of time speculating about the personal and social vulnerabilities associated with the spread of so-called computational propaganda—technogenic disinformation produced on an industrial scale and distributed openly by bots or other semi-automatic methods.

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