On 30th of May military cadets from the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom visited ICDS office where ICDS Director Mr Jüri Luik, Chief Executive Mr Dmitri Teperik, Research fellow Mr Henrik Praks and the Editor-in-Chief of Diplomaatia Mr Erkki Bahovski gave an overview of the Centre and its subjects. ICDS latest reports, which are concentrated to military balance, resilience in the Baltics and challenges we face prior to the Warsaw Summit, and Diplomaatia were introduced.
In the seminar part NATO and its allies together with relations with Russia were under discussion. Also President Vladimir Putin and his behavior and actions as well as NATO`s strategies towards them were the subject matter. The meeting concluded with Q&A round where different security related issues in the Baltics, possible allies between different states and more about Russia`s behavior were risen and debated.