The Ukrainian people are looking forward to the law to be implemented and thus their well-being to be improved, commented Kalev Stoicescu, a research fellow at the ICDS, on the situation after parliamentary elections in Ukraine and people’s expectations on Kuku Raadio on 24 July.
“Above all, it is not just a matter of fighting corruption, but of systematically wanting to deal with it throughout the state apparatus: the oblasts, the governors and their constituencies. That would mean dismantling the system designed by the oligarchs so far,” Stoicescu noted. “It’s going to be an immensely difficult and painful process.”
According to Stoicescu, the results of the Ukrainian parliamentary elections are not very pleasing to Moscow. “Pro-Russian forces are very marginal. Although they receive about 10% of the seats in the parliament, they have no real influence. So, Russia may start pushing some buttons in eastern Ukraine to heat up the situation there and pull all the attention away from the parliament to the conflict and not let it deal with the real problems of its own country,” he said.
Listen to the full interview in Estonian on Kuku Raadio.