August 12, 2019

Kalev Stoicescu in Postimees: NATO Is Not Going to Disband

ICDS research fellow Kalev Stoicescu wrote in an opinion article in the Estonian daily Postimees about NATO – a collective defence “pensioner” at 70 years of age – being in an excellent shape. He explained the reasons why NATO has successfully survived the end of the Cold War, and continues to transform and strengthen its role and capabilities.

Stoicescu suggests that NATO and Russia should find a durable modus vivendi, i.e. lower tensions and build confidence, but he argues that the present Russian regime is not capable or willing to make real (positive) steps in that direction, but rather further escalate tensions through various types of provocations.

Finally, Stoicescu argues that Putin’s regime has become increasingly nervous about mass protests in Moscow and the deterioration of the internal situation in Russia might be the driver of a potential new military adventure by the Kremlin.

Read the whole text in Estonian in Postimees.