On 9 March, the Centre for Military Studies (CMS) of the University of Copenhagen organised and hosted a workshop on Nordic-Baltic security and defence cooperation.
The event was dedicated to mapping security and defence cooperation formats, initiatives, and networks. It also served as an opportunity to further explore ways of enhancing this cooperation in the future. The Nordic-Baltic area is increasingly emerging as a distinct security ecosystem with a dense web of formal and informal interactions that also draw in many external actors, such as the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). Workshop participants included representatives of think-tanks, research institutes, universities, and government agencies from Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the US. ICDS research fellows Tomas Jermalavičius, Tony Lawrence, and Henrik Praks actively contributed with their knowledge and expertise to the workshop’s outcomes. Based on these outcomes, the CMS intends to publish a research report focusing on the future of Nordic-Baltic security and defence cooperation.