On 6 November, ICDS Research Fellow Tomas Jermalavičius addressed the participants of the Baltic Defence College’s (BALTDEFCOL) Senior Leadership Engagement – a pilot project initiated by the College which aims to provide a ‘capstone’ of continuous professional education and development programme for flag officers and their civilian colleagues from national ministries of defence and foreign affairs of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania as well as from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Tomas Jermalavičius spoke on a panel dedicated to exploring the avenues for enhanced security and defence cooperation in the ‘Wider Baltic’ region, which was chaired by Lieutenant General (ret.) Jürgen Bornemann, former Director General of NATO International Military Staff. The panel also included Professor Zaneta Ozolina from the University of Latvia, Executive Director of the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) Dr Olaf Osica and Mr Andres Vosman, Director of Policy Planning Department of the Estonian Ministry of Defence.
Read more: Baltic Defence College