The seminar „Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia: cooperation and outlooks in the context of security challenges for the region and the EU” was held on November 23 in Tallinn jointly organized by Institute of Public Affairs (Poland) and the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS). The seminar introduced the results of an opinion poll conducted by the Institute of Public Affairs in Poland and the three Baltic States about opinions in the society on current international and regional affairs. The presentation was be followed by a debate of experts from the four countries focusing the results of the poll as well as the reactions in the society to the refugee crisis and threat of terrorism.
Helga Kalm spoke on a panel dedicated to discussing ways of strengthening regional security cooperation in reaction to developments in Ukraine and in dealing with the refugee crisis. The panel was moderated by Pille Petersoo from Tallinn University (Estonia) and also included distinguished experts Piotr Kaźmierkiewicz from the Institute of Public Affairs (Poland), Egdūnas Račius from Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and Uģis Romanovs from Baltic Defence College (Latvia). The discussion showed that although the public reactions to the refugee crisis in all four countries have been rather similar, then the motivating factors behind public opinion and government policies have been rather different.