Erkki Bahovski, editor-in-chief of ICDS Diplomaatia magazine, wrote in an opinion article published in Postimees on 6 August, that if a referendum on the EU membership were held now, Estonia would remain in the EU. The argument is based on the latest Eurobarometer poll, which shows that 60% of Estonians trust the EU.
But that could change, Bahovski argued. “If, however, the referendum would be preceded by a long and bloody campaign, then I am no longer certain that Estonia would remain in the EU. Despite the fact that immigration concerns have been decreasing year by year, there is no doubt that this issue would come up again in Estonia in the campaign for the EU referendum,“ he wrote.
“Just as the migration pact came up before the Riigikogu elections. Looking at the first four member states (Malta, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Slovenia), where immigration concerns were highest, Estonia is the most geographically remote one from the countries of origin. And only a few immigrants have come to Estonia from these places.”
Read the full article in Estonian at Postimees.