March 28, 2017

Discussion on the Security in the Baltic Sea Region

On 28 March, Konrad-Adenaur-Stiftung organised in Berlin a panel discussion titled “Security in the Baltic Sea Region: a Nordic-Baltic perspective”.

ICDS Research Fellow Henrik Praks was among the experts from the region discussing the strategic developments in the Baltic Sea area and their effects for the security of the whole Europe. He emphasized the need to think about the region as a common strategic space, as Russia’s aggressive policies and actions pose a challenge for all countries, regardless of their institutional affiliations. This situation requires a close co-ordination between countries in the region. Nordic and Baltic nations, Germany and Poland should also work to strengthen NATO politically, militarily and financially, as continuous US presence is indispensable for safeguarding freedom and security in the Baltic Sea area.
More information about the event is available (in German) at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung website

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