September 22, 2009

Contributions by ICDS researchers published in a special issue of Akadeemia

ICDS researchers published three articles in a recent special issue of Akadeemia (9/2009) that focuses on security matters.

In her article, Riina Kaljurand, Deputy Director of ICDS, analyses NATO’s opportunities and challenges in the changing security environment of the Baltic Sea. Researchers Maria Mälksoo and Merle Maigre trace the development of two areas of research − security studies and civil-military relations, respectively.

NATO ja Läänemere julgeolekukeskkonna muutumine – Riina Kaljurand

Civil Military Theories – Merle Maigre

Akadeemilised julgeolekuuuringud sõja ja rahu vahel – Maria Mälksoo

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