Dr Kristin Haugevik is a Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo, Norway where she also heads the research group Global Order and Diplomacy. Kristin holds a PhD in political science from the University of Oslo (2014). Her research at NUPI revolves around inter-state cooperation and friendship, regional integration, diplomacy and small states, with a geographical focus on the Euro-Atlantic region and the foreign policies of the UK and the Nordic states.
Author's articles
26. Nov, 2021
Small States at the Top of Global Diplomacy: Different Tactics of Estonia and Norway on the UN Security Council
In 2021, Estonia and Norway serve as elected members on the UN Security Council. What can elected Council members hope…
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17. Nov, 2021
Small States, Different Approaches: Estonia and Norway on the UN Security Council
In 2021, Estonia and Norway served as elected members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Both being relatively small…
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