Areas of expertise: intelligence/counterintelligence; terrorism/counterterrorism; information warfare/psychological defence; hybrid warfare
Languages: English, Estonian
Dr Ivo Juurvee was the Head of Security and Resilience Programme at ICDS in 2017-2024 and is a non-resident research fellow from 2024 onwards. Dr Juurvee has been a practitioner in the field of security since 2004. Amongst other positions in Estonian public service, he has been an adviser at the National Security and Defense Coordination Unit of the Estonian Government Office and the head of the Internal Security Institute of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. He has also taught security related topics at the University of Tartu, Estonian Military Academy, Estonian School of Diplomacy, Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, NATO School (Oberammergau) and on the FRONTEX master’s program on border management.
Dr Juurvee’s professional and academic areas of interest are information warfare, intelligence services and other forms of hybrid conflict. He has worked as an Honorary Research Fellow at University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies and given a guest lecture in several universities, including Stanford and Georgetown. He holds a PhD degree in history from the University of Tartu (2013) and an MA from the Central European University, Budapest (2003).
Dr Juurvee is an author of two books and numerous articles and reports.