Ivan U. K. Klyszcz

Research Fellow

Areas of expertise: Russian foreign policy, Russian domestic politics, North Caucasus, Chechnya

Languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish

Dr Ivan Klyszcz joined the ICDS as a Research Fellow in September 2022. Previously, he was a full-time doctoral researcher at the University of Tartu, where he obtained his PhD in International Relations. Dr Klyszcz’s research is centred on issues of international security, namely, great power competition, the grand strategy of major powers, and Russian foreign policy. In recent years, Dr Klyszcz has investigated the drivers, methods, and impact of Moscow’s global international relations—particularly with Africa, Latin America, and South Asia— and their implications for European strategy. In addition, he has studied Russian domestic politics, with a focus on centre-region relations, Chechnya and the North Caucasus. Since 2019, he has published over 60 articles, including research reports, peer-reviewed articles, and policy memos, as well as delivered presentations at academic and policy conferences across Europe and North America. Dr Klyszcz has been quoted in international media such as Al-Jazeera, BBC, France 24, and The Economist. His work has been cited by peer researchers and attracted the interest of diplomats, governments, and major NGOs. Dr Klyszcz is a member of PONARS Eurasia and a frequent contributor to Riddle Russia.

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