November 10, 2017

A Year since the US Elections: Taking Stock of the US Foreign Policy

On November 10th, ICDS organised a panel discussion titled: “A year since the US Elections: Taking stock of the US foreign policy.”

The panelists included Mr. Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the Riigikogu Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Andreas Kaju, Partner at META Advisory Group, Mr. Sven Sakkov, Director of the ICDS. The event was moderated by Mr. Eerik Marmei, Research Fellow, ICDS.

A lively analysis was provided on the first months of trade, foreign and security policies of President Trump. The panelists provided insights on the US policies towards Asia, the Middle-East, Europe, Russia and Estonia. The discussion also assessed the role of the US leadership in global affairs and what impact that role has played in tackling the most challenging issues the World is confronting.

Another set of topics discussed included an exploration of how President Trump’s “America First” policy influences the administration’s decisions on free trade agreements, the fight against terrorism and its relations with Allies. Additionally, the role of congress in foreign policy and political differences within the US was also examined.

Among the conclusions drawn the panelists agreed that despite a lack of a major foreign policy shift there has been clear change in areas like free trade and climate change issues.