June 5, 2009

The New Member States and the 2009 European Parliament Elections

“The New Member States and the 2009 European Parliament Elections: The European Debate and Politics in a Time of Economic Crisis” is a new series of EuPI’s policy briefs, covering each of the ten New Member States in the EU. The policy brief series is a product of the European Policies Initiative (EuPI), aimed at providing independent expert commentary and analysis on key issues on EU’s new member states agenda.

5.06.2009, Juhan Kivirähk
“The New Member States and the 2009 European Parliament Elections: The European Debate and Politics in a Time of Economic Crisis” is a new series of EuPI’s policy briefs, covering each of the ten New Member States in the EU. The policy brief series is a product of the European Policies Initiative (EuPI), aimed at providing independent expert commentary and analysis on key issues on EU’s new member states agenda.

The aim of the policy brief series is to look into not only the immediate EP elections and the state of the “European debate”, but also into the political, economic and social context in these countries at the backdrop of the economic crisis that has affected them.

Continue to policy briefs http://eupi.osi.bg/cgi-bin/e-cms/vis/vis.pl?s=001&p=0070&n=000007&g=

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