August 23, 2021

Taking Security for Granted? NATO and the Baltic States

British Embassy in Tallinn
Taking security for granted?
Taking security for granted?

ICDS was very pleased to host a panel, alongside our partners at the British Embassy in Tallinn, at this year’s Opinion Festival. Entitled ‘Taking Security for Granted? NATO and the Baltic States’, the panel examined whether the force posture NATO and the Baltic states have built together following Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea is sufficient to deter an aggressor, whether we take these efforts and our security for granted, and what our own roles in building security are.

The panel featured Indrek Sirp, Director of National Security and Defence Coordination at the Estonian Government Office, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Hing, British Defence Attaché to Estonia, and Kadi Silde, Undersecretary for Defence Policy at the Estonian Ministry of Defence. It was moderated by Tomas Jermalavičius, Director of Studies at ICDS.

Video of the panel is available here:

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