Nr 31 • Erinumber, märts 2006

Lennart Meri’s foreign policy legacy

With his foreign policy education accomplished with great difficulty and hampered by radio jammers, Meri became the unexpected figure who confounded all of the West’s expectations for the Baltic states’ struggle for independence.

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Lennart Meri, diplomat

Lennart’s resolute activity on the international scene left the world with an image of Estonia as an old Western democracy with a deeply entwined intellectual and cultural connection with the rest of Europe; a country that takes part in solving problems; a successful nation, not a grey and ordinary one.

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Thank you, Lennart! And farewell.

No longer is it possible for anyone to claim that Estonia is under some historical curse, where one misfortune follows another. In the last decade of the brutal and restless 20th century, Estonia was privy to unbelievable good fortune, probably more than any of our friends and neighbours. A very important part of this stroke of good luck went by the name of Lennart Meri.

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