December 17, 2009

Maria Mälksoo’s monograph The Politics of Becoming European

ICDS researcher Maria Mälksoo launched her new book The Politics of Becoming European: A Study of Polish and Baltic post-Cold War Security Imaginaries in the Routledge New International Relations series on 17 December 2009. This book weaves together perspectives drawn from critical social and political theory in order to understand the Polish and Baltic attempts to break free from their “liminal Europeanness” and gain recognition as part of “true Europe”. It analyses Polish and Baltic post-Cold War security imaginaries, identities and collective memories in a common framework. The monograph is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation defended at the Centre of International Studies at the University of Cambridge in 2007.

17.12.2009, Maria Mälksoo
ICDS researcher Maria Mälksoo launched her new book The Politics of Becoming European: A Study of Polish and Baltic post-Cold War Security Imaginaries in the Routledge New International Relations series on 17 December 2009. This book weaves together perspectives drawn from critical social and political theory in order to understand the Polish and Baltic attempts to break free from their “liminal Europeanness” and gain recognition as part of “true Europe”. It analyses Polish and Baltic post-Cold War security imaginaries, identities and collective memories in a common framework. The monograph is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation defended at the Centre of International Studies at the University of Cambridge in 2007.
For further, see

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