May 22, 2014

ICDS Hosts NB8 Young Diplomats Delegation for Energy Security Roundtable

On May 22, ICDS research fellow Emmet Tuohy hosted a visiting delegation of young diplomats from the Nordic-Baltic 8 group for a roundtable discussion on regional energy security. Independent expert Andres Mäe presented an overview of the region’s energy picture and of the key theoretical issues in energy analysis, while in his remarks Tuohy underscored the importance of the security dimension to completing the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration, calling special attention to the needed combination of physical and regulatory infrastructure improvements.

On May 22, ICDS research fellow Emmet Tuohy hosted a visiting delegation of young diplomats from the Nordic-Baltic 8 group for a roundtable discussion on regional energy security. Independent expert Andres Mäe presented an overview of the region’s energy picture and of the key theoretical issues in energy analysis, while in his remarks Tuohy underscored the importance of the security dimension to completing the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration, calling special attention to the needed combination of physical and regulatory infrastructure improvements.

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