Uurimisvaldkonnad: Jaapani välis-, julgeoleku- ja kaitsepoliitika; julgeoleku- ja strateegilised küsimused Aasias ja Indo-Vaikse ookeani piirkonnas
Keeled: Bulgaaria, vene, inglise, hollandi, prantsuse, jaapani
Dr Elena Atanassova-Cornelis oli Rahvusvahelise Kaitseuuringute Keskuse esimene Jaapani programmi juht (oktoober 2023 kuni september 2024).
Valik publikatsioone:
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena, Sato, Yoichiro and Sauer, Tom Eds. (2024). Alliances in Asia and Europe: The Evolving Indo-Pacific Strategic Context and Inter-Regional Alignments. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Alliances-in-Asia-and-Europe-The-Evolving-Indo-Pacific-Strategic-Context/Atanassova-Cornelis-Sato-Sauer/p/book/9781032550404
- Pejsova, Eva and Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena (2024). “Going ‘strategic’ : the EU-Japan SPA five years on”. European University Institute (EUI), RSC, Policy Brief, 2024/09, Global Governance Programme. https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/76677
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena and Sato, Yoichiro (2022). “Asia and Europe in Japan’s Alignment Policies: Drivers, Strategic Expectations and Future Outlook”. Asian Affairs, 53(3): 520-541.
Open Access: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03068374.2022.2093049 - Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena (2022). “Reshaping the San Francisco System Through Alignment Cooperation: Japan’s Security Partnerships in the Asia-Indo-Pacific”. Rethinking the San Francisco System in Indo-Pacific Security. Editors: Yoneyuki Sugita and Victor Teo. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 241-262. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-19-1231-3_11
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena and Pejsova, Eva (2021). “Minilateralism: an opportunity for the EU’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific”. Center for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS), Free University of Brussels, Policy Brief 22/2021.
https://csds.vub.be/minilateralism-an-opportunity-for-the-eus-engagement-in-the-indo-pacific - Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena and Singh, Bhubhindar (2021). “Security relations between the EU and Japan”. The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners. Editors: Thomas Christiansen, Emil Kirchner and See Seng Tan. Palgrave Macmillan, The European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) Series, pp. 369-389. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-69966-6
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena (2021). “The EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy: A roadmap for making a difference”. Economic Policy Institute (Sofia, Bulgaria) & Korea Foundation Discussion Paper Series 2_2021. https://epi-bg.org/images/NGKF_Incubator/EPI__KF_Discussion_Paper_Series_2_2021.pdf
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena (2021). “Japan, China and the territorial disputes in the China Seas: the uncertain dynamics of Asian-Pacific geopolitics”. Maritime and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Faces of Power and Law in the Age of China’s Rise. Editors: Yih-Jye Hwang and Edmund Frettingham. Routledge, Rethinking Asia and International Relations Book Series, pp. 116-136. https://www.routledge.com/Maritime-and-Territorial-Disputes-in-the-South-China-Sea-Faces-of-Power/Hwang-Frettingham/p/book/9780367476854
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena and Hellendorff, Bruno (2021). “The EU’s strategic partnerships with Japan and South Korea: A comparative analysis of the drivers, outcomes and limitations.”, In, The EU’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World, Eds., Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira and Michael Smith. Palgrave Macmillan, The European Union in International Affairs (EUIS) Series, pp. 289-310. https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030660604
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena (2020). “Why the ‘Indo-Pacific’ Concept is Not in Competition with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)”. East Asia Security in Flux. What Regional Order Ahead? Editors: Céline Pajon and Masashi Nishihara. French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) Centre for Asian Studies, Paris, and the Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS), Tokyo. https://www.ifri.org/en/publications/etudes-de-lifri/east-asia-security-flux-what-regional-order-ahead
- Atanassova-Cornelis, Elena (2020). “Alignment Cooperation and Regional Security Architecture in the Indo-Pacific”. The International Spectator, 55(1): 18-33. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03932729.2020.1712132