
High-level Finnish and Swedish Support for NATO Membership

On 20 June 2018, seven Finnish and seven Swedish former ambassadors, journalists and military officers published a debate article advocating NATO membership for their two countries. The article was published in Svenska Dagbladet in Sweden and in several newspapers belonging to Lännen Mediat in Finland.

The article is printed below in an English translation.

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A New Finnish Government Report on Defence

What does a small militarily non-aligned country do for its defence if it is located in a region where the operational environment has radically changed, military activity and military tensions have quickly increased, the early-warning for military action has become drastically shorter, and the threshold for the use of military force, or a threat thereof, has dramatically lowered.

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The Causes and Limitations of Swedish-Finnish Defence Cooperation

During the last few years, there has been a noticeable surge in bilateral and multilateral defence cooperation ventures among the Nordic states. The most well-known of these is NORDEFCO (Nordic Defence Cooperation). However, NORDEFCO is, essentially a framework for cooperation – it is not even a standalone organization , let alone a body resembling a political or military alliance.

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Soldiers of Peace

Estonian, Finnish and Irish troops serve under a combined battalion in the UNIFIL mission in south Lebanon. The size of the contribution these three states make to UN peacekeeping is perhaps not well known – they are respectively the fourth, second and first largest European contributors, per capita, to UN missions. For each of them, UNIFIL is their single largest contribution to peace support operations.

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