The Defence Planner’s Dilemma
Defence planning - the process of deciding the size and shape of a state’s armed forces - is probably one of the most difficult activities that the state must carry...
Read moreDefence planning - the process of deciding the size and shape of a state’s armed forces - is probably one of the most difficult activities that the state must carry...
Read moreKas apelsinivärvi koalitsioon Ukrainas saab ja jääb elujõuliseks või mitte? Tänane uudis Ukraina oranži koalitsioonileppe allkirjastamisest Julia Timošenko Bloki (BJUT) ja Meie Ukraina-Rahva...
Read moreMerle Maigre, Researcher, ICDS, September 2007 The snap parliamentary elections in Ukraine will indicate whether the country will advance...
Read moreThe politics of history pursued by Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga is not another manifestation of a pathology unique to Eastern Europe, but a phenomenon typical of the current stage of the post-colonial...
Read moreA Compact Overview Compiled by the ICDS On the evening of April 26, unrest and vandalism broke out in...
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