Miguel Sainz de Vicuña is currently pursuing an Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS). He holds a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Law & International Relations from Nebrija University. His previous studies have concentrated on China, EU-Russia relations, energy security and maritime security. In summer 2021, as part of the IMSISS programme, he was a research assistant at the ICDS and worked on the projects related to energy security, energy policies in the EU related to hydrogen and nuclear power, and migration.
Author's articles
16. May, 2022
Geopolitics of Europe’s Hydrogen Aspirations: Creating Sustainable Equilibrium or a Combustible Mix?
Discussions about hydrogen’s role in the transition to carbon-neutral economies and the EU’s Green Deal seldom include consideration of geopolitical…
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14. Sep, 2021
Pushed to the Limit? Italian and Spanish Lessons from the Migration Crises
Lithuania, Latvia and Poland are currently dealing with a migrant crisis triggered and fuelled by the regime in Belarus. They…
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