James Sherr OBE

Honorary Fellow

Areas of expertise: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and European security
Languages: English, Russian, French

For over 25 years, James Sherr OBE has been regularly consulted by Western governments on the foreign, defence and security policies of the Russian Federation and since 1995 has had an active advisory role in Ukraine, working closely with the defence and security establishment. Since 1991, James has been a frequent visitor to Estonia and its Baltic neighbours before taking up residence in January 2019.

James is the author of Hard Diplomacy and Soft Coercion: Russia’s Influence Abroad (Chatham House, 2013) and a wide range of other publications on Russia, Ukraine and European security. Latterly, he has published The Militarization of Russian Policy (Transatlantic Academy, July 2017) and is a co-author of the Chatham House Report, The Struggle for Ukraine (October 2017).

James is also an Associate Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme of Chatham House, a Senior Associate Fellow of the Institute of Statecraft, a Visiting Fellow of the Razumkov Centre (Kyiv) and a former Bosch Public Policy Fellow of the Transatlantic Academy of the German Marshall Fund in Washington.



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