Dr Ian Anthony has been the programme director for European Security at SIPRI since February 2014, focusing on some specific challenges facing Europe. The project New Foundations for Conventional Arms Control in Europe examines the role of military-to-military contacts; the experience with subregional CSBMs in Northern Europe; and the experience with technical risk reduction measures such as incidents at sea agreements. The project Nuclear Security in the Black Sea Region assesses how BSR states perceive nuclear threats and risks today, and measures to enhance nuclear security. Recent publications by Dr Anthony in the field of European security include “European Security after the INF Treaty” and “Closing Sweden’s Military Security Deficit: The National Debate on NATO Membership.” Dr Anthony has a doctorate in War Studies awarded by the University of London.
Author's articles
08. May, 2023
The Future of Arms Control: Ready to (Dis)Agree?
Having been crumbling already for years, international arms control architecture is now in a perilous state. Existing arrangements have either…
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20. Nov, 2018
Dead Man Walking: Time to Put the INF Treaty to Rest?
There is a high probability that the Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist…
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