Preliminary agenda (subject to change) Tuesday, 18 February   19:00 Pre-conference dinner for speakers and moderators, Embassy of Sweden  

The Chinese PLA Navy during joint combat exercises and training around the
Taiwan islands on 6 August 2022, in Nanjing, China.

Preliminary agenda
(subject to change)

Tuesday, 18 February


19:00 Pre-conference dinner for speakers and moderators, Embassy of Sweden


Wednesday, 19 February


09:00-09:30 Registration and coffee


09:30-09:45 Introduction and welcome


Indrek Kannik, Director, ICDS (successor will be known on 13 December)

Ave Schank-Lukas, Acting Head, European Commission Representation in Estonia

Charlotte Wrangberg, Ambassador, Embassy of Sweden in Tallinn

09:45-11:00 Panel I: Keeping momentum

Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Marta Kos, Commissioner for Enlargement (TBC)

10:30-10:45 Intermezzo: Year 4 of Russia’s full-scale invasion

Olesya Mamchych, Ukrainian Poet

10:45-11:00 Reactions

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 Panel II: Principled pragmatism?

Merits-based approach – ‘Ukraine will accede in 2 years’ time’ – Economic concerns of member states demand gradual integration and transitional measures – ‘For the EU, other interests trump democracy promotion and rule of law’ – Estonia’s experience and expectations.

Valentina Superti, DG NEAR, European Commission

Olha Stefanishyna, Deputy Prime Minister and Chief Negotiator of Ukraine

Karolina Ostrzyniewska, Chargé d’Affairs, Embassy of Poland to Sweden

Luka Glusac, Deputy Director of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Alar Streimann, former Chief Negotiator of Estonia

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:15 Panel III: Convincing citizens

Will accession of vulnerable candidates really enhance our security? Is the EU’s next enlargement wave really in our economic interest? How to address enlargement ‘fatigue’ in EU member states and candidate countries?

Engjellushe Morina, Senior Research Fellow, ECFR

Damir Kapidžic, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, University of Sarajevo

Ave Schank-Lukas, Acting Head, European Commission Representation in Estonia

Moderator: Antoaneta Dimitrova, Professor of Comparative Governance, Leiden University

15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-16:45 Panel IV: Black Sea Security

Maritime battlefield – Big power dynamics – Freedom of navigation & economic zones – Towards a new EU strategy

Kornely Kakachia, Professor of Political Science, Tbilisi State University

Tacan Ildem, Chairman of EDAM, former Assistant Secretary General of NATO

Edward Iosiper, Director General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

Moderator: Erika Ellamaa-Ots, Director General for Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

16:45-17:00 Closing remarks

Janne Jõesaar-Ruusalu, Director for Southeastern Europe and the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Artur Orzechowski, Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tallinn

17:00-18:00 Reception offered by the Embassy of Poland in Estonia

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